Technology is ever changing. I feel like that could be on
the SLIS homepage. For years I've been a tech junkie. I love the latest gadgets
and jumping into the newest social media trends. I'm on tumblr, twitter,
blogger, facebook, linkden, goodreads and many other platforms that escape me
at the moment. I use youtube often and google maps for everything from timing
out my morning commute (their traffic predictor is a godsend) to planning trips
across the country. Lately I've been
using google drive to collaborate with group members and friends more
efficiently and have fallen in love with the ease that doc's and slides function.
This is all a very long way of saying I am entrenched in the
way these platforms change and how they're being used.
With all of that being said I do feel there are some
platforms that libraries should be investing their time in more than others.
Twitter - Admittedly I'm a twitter junkie, but it really is
a good platform for sharing information. The character limit forces users to
shorten their tweets to their essences. This makes twitter ideal for promoting
programs and new collections with eye catching tweets. The downfall is that a links
to outside sites are often needed to convey all of the relevant details about
events, promotions, or even stories of interest. However it is also easy with
patrons on twitter.
Facebook - I can't talk about social media as without
mentioning Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg flipped everyone’s lives upside down when
launched his friendly little social network. Now it's difficult to be a person,
company, or organization without a Facebook account. Just today I used Facebook
to search out information on the opening on a new gym by my house because
search engines weren't helping. The new gyms Facebook page did have the
information, and what's more, it was in a comment on another confused want to
be customers comment.
What I'm getting at is that Facebook is interactive.
Information can be shared on it, and often it can be ignored, scrolled past, or
left sight unseen. Promoting pages on Facebook can carry an actual financial
cost. But the benefits of connecting directly to the community and having one
place where all patrons can go to obtained information and have their questions
answered is indispensable. The sheer number of people on Facebook means that
even the smallest library should be able to find an audience.
Blogging (Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, etc.) – Blogging can be tricky. I think it’s
important for libraries to be innovative and the ones that I really love run
blogs on their programing successes or local interest pieces. The Chicago
Public Library runs a tumblr that I love even though I no longer live near any
of their branches. It’s important for
libraries to reach out with think pieces and discussion based posts. Having
content is huge. Showing the public that libraries are still relevant and can
foster conversation in an increasingly digital world by using a blog is a great
way to use an Internet presence.
These are of course my thoughts, and there are many
different resources that could also be used to great effect. However I would
think that twitter and facebook especially would be near the top of many
peoples lists for libraries to use to reach a larger population.
This isn’t to discount other resources. For instances
Youtube is great. Tutorial video’s have gotten me through many simple
activities (Halloween make up, fancy ways to tie a scarf. How to use MS Access)
and if you have a cat and haven’t uploaded a video of it yawning to Youtube I
don’t think we can be friends. But it’s a very specific service. Videos cannot
be watched at all times, and data limits make it increasingly hard for mobile
users to access them at all times. This is nothing to say of a video as a means
of communication information is only effective if it is short and to the point.
In a society that increasingly loves instant gratification 8 minute video’s
just don’t cut it. Youtube, soundcloud, what-have-you can be a great addition to
an internet presence but it cannot be a library’s only way of communicating
with the world.
To sum up,
If I were put in charge of a library’s social media outreach
I would quickly make a facebook and a twitter and work on building awareness of
these pages. Friends and followers are important. As the follower base grows I
would ensure that a blog with relevant content was available and linked to each
social media account. Together these platforms would reach a wide variety of
individuals and help to make the library stand out in the community.
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