Saturday, December 6, 2014

My Problem with Listservs

I'm going to be honest. Listservs intimidate me. They seem like something you need a secret password to get. They contain so much information that the thought of them overwhelms me. Subscribing to one felt like a big step in my professional career, even thought i still feel like a bit of an imposter.
It's possible the Listserv I chose to follow, Digipres through ALA, wasn't the best fit for me.The majority of threads revolved around upcoming conferences and submission deadlines. Admittedly I can see these announcements being very relevant to a working professional, but as a first semester LIS student that kind of information was both discouraging and intimidating.
What was more discouraging is that I had a very hard time finding listserv's relevant to my interests. SSA's was somewhere between nonexistent and too difficult to use to be useful and no matter how hard i searched I couldn't seem to come find something that catered to me.
I have been following Code4Lib for the better part of the semester, but that is more for job postings than professional information. I have found it helpful to skim through the jobs that are opening up, though.
It's not quite what I wanted to get out of this prompt, but it's something. I'll have to keep searching for relevant listserv's and discussion boards. Eventually I'll have to find something more helpful.

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